Where to Start: Healthy Eating

Where to Start: Healthy Eating

This is part of my “getting started series”. The first was- Where to start: yoga. If there is something you want more information on as to where to begin, please let me know!

I get asked, or complained to, a lot about people not knowing where to start with healthy eating. The first thing you have to do is make a commitment. This sounds like a duh, but it must be a physical and mental commitment. I believe that a vegan diet is the best diet, but that’s a topic for later. This is a general: “how do I clean it up” post.

Fast food: DO NOT. If it has a drive-thru, you no longer eat there.

Processed food: Stop. Just stop. Throw it out, don’t buy it. DO NOT EAT PROCESSED FOODS. White bread, (most bread), white anything (sugar, rice-okay, I’m guilty of white rice, potato chips), cookies, crackers, anything Nabisco- in fact, almost any easily identifiable brand, THROW IT OUT. These foods are processed by your body just like they are in the factory: chemicals, sugars- body pollution. They put on the weight and they make it stay. They zap your energy and make you CRAVE more.

Stock up: Fill your fridge and pantry with healthy things that are easy to eat- baby carrots, sliced apples, broccoli, celery, low-fat hummus, raw nuts (watch your portions), seeds, dried fruits, legumes, whole grains (quinoa, brown rice). Make it easy for yourself. Get microwaveable rice, pre-cut veggies, whatever makes it easier. It may appear more expensive, but remember, you aren’t eating any more processed foods, so you aren’t stopping at the gas station or fast food restaurants for quick snacks or meals, all that money is going straight to your healthy eating now!

Education: start educating yourself. As soon as you cut out the big baddies (processed foods and fast food) you can take baby steps and learn how to cook healthier meals, how to buy healthier stuff, the right supplements, etc. One of my favorites is the Forks Over Knives Documentary (Netflix: http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=C8ao4AC19UtbfBc-h6QH5_4A45JGpjATUoYbneJC5rL9oCAAQASCY39EMUPCXn4j______wFgyY72iISk7A-gAfrTktUDyAEBqgQiT9DJg7b2cd4ZMhjXMPV6-dWzlOrr12Dx53woYhvwKR-Y64AFkE6AB6SPlCSQBwI&sig=AOD64_082TmH3m1BdCcHqqbZgB_FM1kaHw&rct=j&q=forks+over+knives&ved=0CDAQ0Qw&adurl=http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/70185045%3Flocale%3Den-US%26mqso%3D81198655%26titleVideoId%3D70185045%26awadgroupid%3D5836629668%26awcampaignid%3D121071908%26awcreative%3D32396390948%26awdevice%3Dc%26awexpid%3D%26awkeyword%3Dforks%2520over%2520knives%26awmatchtype%3De%26awnetwork%3Dg%26awposition%3D1t1)

Goals: make small goals and meet them. Cut down on oil or fat or sugar, do it little by little. Every week, every month, you should be cleaning it up even more.

Stick with it: this isn’t a diet, these are lifestyle changes. You aren’t depriving yourself, you’re loving yourself, and nurturing yourself, so STICK WITH IT. You are stronger than food and the healthier you eat, the healthier the food you will crave.